
Children learn by moving. They learn best in a safe, joyful, relational and nurturing play-based, child-centered environment.

They thrive when natural curiosity is fostered and where exploration and investigation of the classroom and the world around them is encouraged.  Children’s social and cognitive development is maximized when adults are devoted to relationship building and children are exposed to, and enjoy positive interactions with peers and adults. We are committed to providing these critical components to a child’s learning.

The dedicated staff intentionally plans a comprehensive and developmentally appropriate curriculum which is designed to guide children toward optimal developmental growth, independence and social competence.  Our specific intentions are:

  • To provide a safe, creative and challenging environment, both indoors and outdoors which has been designed and scaled exclusively for preschool children; to offer a wide variety of equipment and materials to enrich each child’s experience; to encourage curiosity and creativity, critical thinking and problem solving.

  • To capitalize on the immense value of play, allowing children to learn firsthand through exploration and discovery and achieve optimum developmental growth in an enriched environment.

  • To choose well-trained and qualified teachers who provide warmth and acceptance and intuitively guide preschool children toward independence, social competence and critical thinking.

  • To offer multiple opportunities for appropriate language development, encouraging and fostering the clear expression of ideas and feelings.

  • To consistently provide a respectful and accepting environment for children and their families, and to create an environment which emphasizes and celebrates conflict resolution.